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- GEECCO (Gender Equality in STEM), 2021
- AI & BigData Congress, Language Concepts, September, 2021
- Conociendo a nuestros investigadores ERC, AEAC.
- El repte de convertir la tecnologia lingüística en una línia estratègica de país,, 2021
- Artificial Intelligence and Language, January 2021
- Més a prop del traductor universal, June 2020
- Biennal Ciencia Barcelona. Is AI more biased than humans? 11th June 2020.
- Open Data and Artificial Intelligence, Tools for Gender Equality, Open Governement Generalitat de Catalunya, September, 2020 [ES][CA] [Video]
- RTVE Página Dos La traducción automática. [Minutes 23-25] September, 2020
- The UPC researcher Marta R. Costa-jussà receives an ERC Starting Grant.
- The UPC promotes the social dissemination of artificial intelligence.
- Biaix en el Tractament del Llenguatge Natural, February 2020
- The Researcher Marta R. Costa-jussà, winner of the Google Faculty Research Awards for the second year, UPC-News March 2020, TALENT-UPC (March 2020)
- Política & Prosa: “Dades, màquines i ètica“, March 2019
- The Researcher Marta R. Costa-jussà, winner of the Google Faculty Research Awards, (March 2019)
- Co-Organizer of Postgraduate Course on Artificial Intelligence with Deep Learning, See the interview , January 2019
- Unbiased MT in The Neural MT Weekly , February 2019
- La Vanguardia: “Las máquinas también tienen prejuicios”, August 2018
- Traducció automàtica neuronal a “El dia de demà”, 2015
- Interview, NLPPeople, 2015